Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Général de division

I've been pre-occupied with cowboys for a while, but the Napoleonic project continues.

I have become enamoured and inquisitive about the uses for weathering pigments for my wargaming work. The Napoleonic army is being based using ProPigments. I use Vallejo's basing paste, washed with Vallejo Earth and drybrushed a bit. Then I build up the pigments as shown below:

A mix of Raw and Burnt Umber was slapped on.

Next, just Raw Umber.

 Raw Umber and Raw Sienna.

For a bit of green, I mixed Chromium Green and Raw Umber.

I added a bit of Light Green Earth to the above blend.

Next, white spirit was dabbed on. This flows really nicely and helps to blend the pigments.

Now dry, the base is ready for decoration.

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