Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Had a good look at the new Victrix Athenian hoplites, made a few up and did a comparison with other manufacturers:


Saturday, 12 May 2012

Part way through the command for my British-Egyptian force for Death in the Dark Continent.

Sunday, 6 May 2012

New website goes live!

Pop over to www.greatescapegames.co.uk
I will be maintaining a WW2 and Clash of Empires blog on the site, leaving this one for other stuff.
More details:

Loads of new stuff on the completely rebuilt website and shop.

Dedicated sections for Ancients/Medieval and WW2.
Hobby Blogs for both for Ancients/Medieval and WW2.
New downloadable, free army lists - dozens now online.
Rules of Engagement Special Offer.
New Hitler Youth released (see pic below).
Details of Age of Ravens, the Dark Age source book for Clash of Empires.
New WW2 and Dark Age army deals.
New basing accessories store section.
Details of upcoming shows and tournaments.

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Egyptian Infantry:  The last unit of the British-Egyptian force while watching the shockingly bad movie, Rules of Engagement.